Geography Skills Unlocked — Revised edition

Geography Skills Unlocked — Revised edition


Geography Skills Unlocked (Revised Edition) is a skills book for Australian secondary schools.

Key features:

  • Contents aligned to the inquiry and skills-based requirements of Australian Curriculum: Geography
  • An engaging, easy to navigate design
  • A student friendly approach with step-by-step explanations, descriptions and worked examples
  • A focus on emerging technologies used to gather, analyse and present geographical data
  • GeoSkills and GeoInquiry activities that scaffold student learning
  • A wealth of stimulus material including a diverse range of maps, graphs, aerial photographs, satellite images, diagrams and photographs
  • Examples drawn from each Australian state and territory with additional international material
  • Key terms explained in embedded glossary boxes

Geography Skills Unlocked is published by the Australian Geography Teachers Association and written by a team of experienced Geography teachers.

SKU: 41100 Category: