Primary Geography Alive — Home

Units of study: Geography (K-6)

The units on this website are to support the implementation of the NSW Geography Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum in Primary years of schooling. The Geography Teachers' Association of NSW Inc. (GTA NSW) commissioned a team of experienced Primary school teachers to develop these exemplar units of work aligned to the K-6 requirements of the syllabus. Each unit consists of six to eight lessons complete with the resources required for their successful implementation in the classroom.

>> View a presentation providing an overview of the Primary Geography Alive resources (158Mb)

Primary Geography Alive is an evolving repository of resources. Additional units will be added to the website as they are developed. The overall structure of the Primary Geography Alive website is shown below. Use the links in the table below or menu above to view each unit.




Early Stage


Topic 1: People live in places

Unit 1: People live in places
Unit 2: Maps and mapping
Unit 3: Investigating Sydney's Q Station as an important place


Stage 1

(YEARS 1 & 2)



Topic 1: Features of places

Unit 1: Natural and Human Features of Places
Unit 2: Weather and Seasons of Places
Unit 3:

Topic 2: People and places

Unit 1: People, places and connections
Unit 2: Tourism: Connecting People and Places
Unit 3: Indigenous Peoples and Places


Stage 2

(YEARS 3 & 4)



Topic 1: Places are similar and different

Unit 1: Are We There Yet? Australian Diverse Places and Environments
Unit 2: My Place: Picture Book Study
Unit 3: Places Are Similar and Different: Climate
Unit 4: Australia's Neighbours

Topic 2: The Earth's environment

Unit 1: Planet Earth – An Introduction
Unit 2: Environments and Habitats
Unit 3: Litter, Waste and Recycling


Stage 3

(YEARS 5 & 6)



Topic 1: Factors that shape places

Unit 1: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and the Australian Environment
Unit 2: Investigating Environmental Change in Australia and Borneo
Unit 3: Bushfire Hazards In Australia
Unit 4: Great Australian Landmarks

Topic 2: A diverse and connected world

Unit 1: Asian Diversity and Environmental Challenges
Unit 2: Investigating Asia
Unit 3: